Saturday, May 2, 2009

What You Should Look For in a Natural Colon Cleanser

Natural colon cleanser products are quickly gaining popularity among people all over the world. We are finally realizing that we have to rid our bodies of the excessive toxins we consume or breathe each day. Apart from the main cleansing, a natural colon cleanser requires that you follow a colon cleansing diet, which includes herbal supplements. These special herbs kill intestinal parasites, which can be lethal, if left in our bodies to multiply. They also contain good bacteria. Our bodies need a certain amount of good bacteria, these are called probiotics.
Psyllium Husk is an herb commonly used in natural colon cleanser. It acts as a 'scrubbing' agent for the inside of the colon, removing the built-up debris from the walls of the colon, allowing waste to move freely out of our body, instead of being constricted. Bentonite clay is another common herbal ingredient. It absorbs water, turning it into a gel-like substance. In this manner, it traps harmful toxins and helps to eliminate them from the body, via the colon. Flaxseeds, also a very important herbal supplement, expand with water absorption, in your colon. This gives the colon more room to move waste out of your body easier.
Besides these herbs, there are other dietary changes you need to make to help keep your colon healthy. Eliminate coffee, soft drinks, and teas from your diet. These drinks contain cafeine and sugars, as well as other chemicals. Replace these drinks with water. Purified water is best, because it contains no chemicals whatsoever. Replace unhealthy snacks, such as potato chips and cookies, with fresh fruits and vegetables. There is a lot of fiber in fruit and vegetables, and it will help move the toxins through your colon.
When you use a natural colon cleanser, you will feel the difference in your body. The toxins won't have enough time to do damage to your system, because they will quickly and easily be flushed out. For a great natural colon cleanser,
